"Praise him who made the heavenly lights, for his loving-kindness continues forever: the sun to rule the day, for his loving-kindness continues forever; and the moon and stars at night, for his loving-kindness continues forever."
Psalm 136:7-9 TLB
The lights were a sign, a token of God's provident care. A mark to distinguish the seasons, the days and the years. They were set in the sky for everyone to see. A mark for all to acknowledge, like the star at Jesus birth; A mark for all to acknowledge.
A new season is commencing; it has been announced. The season is here! like the rainbow, a sign that never again would the Lord destroy the earth by flood. A testimony, a witness. A mark, signifying the end of one season; a celebration of the begining of another season.
Can you see it? this new season? For the Lord will hasten his word to perform it.
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