Growth! It happens when you are not aware. One morning, you realize that the things that once had power over you no longer have a hold. You wonder how you got here, but you can't place the exact moment it happened. Growth! Suddenly you are stronger, Suddenly you are wiser, Suddenly you become aware of the strengths you possess. The many times you thought you'd die, you won't survive this, But you got back up again, One foot ahead of the other, and made it through another storm, another dark night, and another... Growth! Sometimes, it happens when you're not aware, Then you are grateful for the rain. the fire, the storm, the silence, All the things that lead you to this place, This place of strength, this place of a 'bigger you', This place of growth.
This is my story of finding God in the midst of mistakes. This is my story of GRACE, of all things beautiful and all things nice, of sorrows and tears, of joy and laughter, of globetrotting of course! Above all this is my story of the blessing of LIFE and how God helps us through it.